

All the deadlines are summarized in the table below.

Date Name
April 23 Group registration
April 28 Homework #1
May 5 Homework #2
May 12 Homework #3
May 19 May 23 Homework #4
May 19 May 23 Project proposal
May 26 May 30 Homework #5
June 9 Project

Please do not underestimate the workload and do not procrastinate. There will be no additional time allocated neither extensions for any reason (except a medical condition). Late submission is penalized by 3 points every 24 hours after the deadline.

GitHub repos

Your homework and the project should be submitted via GitHub (please do not send homework via email or Slack). Each of the homework and the project have their own repository (e.g., hw1gxx, hw2gxx, hw3gxx, hw4gxx, hw5gxx, and projgxx). These repos are private so that only team members, the instructor, and the assistant have access to them. Note that only files in those repos are graded.

Shortly after the group is registered, invites to participate in those repos will be sent. The sooner you register your group the sooner invites are provided.

The decision to work with GitHub is based on the same logic as the decision to use Slack: we want you to be exposed to the real-world industrial environment.


Each assignment uses two extremely convenient auxiliary tools developed by RStudio: RStudio projects and R Markdown. The former allows packing all files into one self-contained folder and running a separate R session dedicated to a particular project. Further, it is possible to work with more than one RStudio project at a time. RStudio projects are represented by a folder and an .Rproj file that lives inside that folder and has the same name. You can read more on RStudio projects at this link.

The R Markdown is the document format that includes two major components: text in the markdown format and R code chunks. These documents are then compiled (or in R jargon – knitted) into various formats, for example, .html or .pdf. The markdown format has an elementary human-readable syntax of the text. R chunks in turn generate an output directly: they will be executed when knitting and their results are rendered together with the markdown text. The R Markdown allows producing very elegant and concise reports. For further information, please inspect this link.

For your convinience, each homework and the project repo will contain an RStudio project file and one .rmd file, that you have to modify accordingly. Please do not forget to knit the document into .html before the final submission.