

After students register their groups, they will be invited to participate in Slack workspace (an instant messaging platform). All the announcements (e.g., changes in schedule, polls, etc.) will be posted there. This is the course’s official channel of communication. Please send emails in only exceptional cases (e.g., if this is “official” mail that should be registered, like sending a medical condition certificate). For all other cases (e.g., course-related questions), Slack is the preferred method of communication.

One of the goals of the course is to expose you to the real-world industrial environment. We will use Slack since it has been proven itself as one of the most convenient communicators in tech companies.

The workspace has nine dedicated channels, namely, #general, #hw1, #hw2, #hw3, #hw4, #hw5, #project, #random, and #setup.

  • #general: this channel is used for announcements, polls, and administrative questions. It should be kept as clean as possible, and contain only important and relevant information.

  • #hw1, #hw2, #hw3, #hw4, #hw5, #project: these channels are created for respective questions. For instance, if you have a question about homework #3, the best place to ask it is in the channel #hw3. All kinds of questions are welcomed including technical and administrative ones.

  • #random: all random messages (e.g., memes, interesting news related to deep learning, and so on) should end up here.

  • #setup: if you encounter any setup issues (e.g., with GitHub, {keras}, Google AI Platform), you should use this channel to ask questions.

Rules of a good question

  • Use a dedicated channel for your question. If you think that your colleagues can benefit from the answer, it is better to post it to the channel rather than as a private message.
  • Do not be shy: no such thing as a stupid question
  • Before asking, it is worth doing a small research and adding it as a bulleted list of things you have tried
  • Please do not include pictures (photos, screenshots) of your code. You can always copy your code and console output as text. Please use ` for inline code formatting, and ``` for multiline code.
  • Be inspired by Stackoverflow guide
  • Use emoji FTW 😎