The course is given during the last seven weeks of the semester, namely:
Day | Time |
Thursday | 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. |
Thursday | 2:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. |
By the end of this course, students must be able to:
package, and backend library TensorFlow{keras}
to manipulate ANN models: build, train, tune hyperparameters, save, and use pretrained neural networks{tfruns}
and {cloudml}
and TensorFlow: implementation and manipulation of ANN modelsStudents of Master in Management (Business Analytics orientation):
PhD and external students:
The assessment is based on two parts, namely homework (50%) and a course project (50%). The maximum number of points that can be obtained in this course is 60 points. Each of the five homework is worth 6 points, while the remaining 30 points are allocated to the course project. Students will be asked to submit a project proposal, develop a model(s), communicate results in a report, and present the course project.
During the course students can obtain bonus points (up to 6) by winning competitions or showing a strong performance in quizzes.
The total number of points is then rescaled to the final grade using the table below:
Grade | Points |
6.0 | 57-60 |
5.5 | 52-56 |
5.0 | 47-51 |
4.5 | 42-46 |
4.0 | 37-41 |
3.5 | 32-36 |
3.0 | 27-31 |
2.5 | 22-26 |
2.0 | 17-21 |
1.5 | 12-16 |
1.0 | 0-11 |
A second attempt is solely based on the project (60 points, the same rescaling system is used as in the first attempt). Students should implement proposed modifications to the project and present the project again.